Face detection and face extraction project with MTCNN, Keras, and TensorFlow 2.0, in a Python 3+ environment.

A mutli-tasked cascaded convolutional neural network shows the ability and speed to detect faces in a variety of images. Additionally, the project’s verison 2 allows for image extraction, see the group photo below.


“By default the MTCNN bundles a face detection weights model.

“The model is adapted from the Facenet’s MTCNN implementation, merged in a single file located inside the folder ‘data’ relative to the module’s path. It can be overriden by injecting it into the MTCNN() constructor during instantiation.

“The model must be numpy-based containing the 3 main keys “pnet”, “rnet” and “onet”, having each of them the weights of each of the layers of the network,” (Brownlee, 2019) mtcnn_weights.npy is the weight file from the library that is trained for the three layers.

For more reference about the network definition, take a close look at the paper from Zhang et al. (2016).


Girl marked with keypoints and boxed from MTCNN Facial Detection.

This project is based on Iván de Paz Centeno’s MTCNN library https://github.com/ipazc/mtcnn.


Group compilation from MTCNN facial extraction version.


MTCNN_facial_recognition.py ‘MTCNN Version 1 - Facial Recognition

MTCNN_Version2_Facial_Extraction.py ‘MTCNN Version 2 - Face Extraction

MTCNN Python environment.txt ‘Anaconda Full Package List’


  1. Brownlee, Jason. (2019). How to Perform Face Detection with Deep Learning. https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-perform-face-detection-with-classical-and-deep-learning-methods-in-python-with-keras/ Machine Learning Mastery.

  2. Zhang, K., Zhang, Z., Li, Z., and Qiao, Y. (2016). Joint face detection and alignment using multitask cascaded convolutional networks. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 23(10):1499–1503.